Sample Sidebar Module

This is a sample module published to the sidebar_top position, using the -sidebar module class suffix. There is also a sidebar_bottom position below the menu.

Sample Sidebar Module

This is a sample module published to the sidebar_bottom position, using the -sidebar module class suffix. There is also a sidebar_top position below the search.


Vương Chính Đức(Vaj Zoov Looj or Vaj Tseem Kab) was born in 1865 and passed away in 1947, he has chosen his own tomb's location and design ever since he was still living.

After he passed away in 1947, his son Vương Chí Thành(Vaj Txhiaj Lwm) started the construction and finished the tombstone in 1950. Its location now is already slid 7 meters from its original place, the move was made by Vaj Txhiaj Lwm.

 It was built with the best marble from China. The whole tombstone foundation was on top of the mountain, with an invisible line straight forward to the skyline, and the other mountains in other villages.

There are two columns on two sides of the head tombs and a large rock to guard the tomb. During the Vietnam-China War, they shot the heads of the columns. In time, the tombstone needs maintenance. These photos were taken in 1990.




This is the tomb of Vương Chính Đức(Vaj Zoov Looj)'s first wife(Xiong clan). It is right in front of the Stone Palace. 
 1stwifevuongchinhduc  These photos were taken in 2002.


These photos were taken in 2006 after some updates had been done.